‘La Coronacion de la Virgen Maria como Reina del Universo’ or, in English– ‘The Coronation of the Virgin Mary as Queen of the Universe’.
This exceedingly fine and rare mid 19th century retablo represents The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, better known as ‘La Santisima Trinidad’, or, ‘The Holy Trinity’, each figure ceremoniously lowering the Crown of Mary for what is known to be the final episode in the Life of the Virgin: The Coronation of the Virgin Mary.
Hand painted by a skilled artisan who was clearly a master of his trade. Given the scale, the tiny winged cherubs, the brilliant gold work and the subtle foliate details, it’s difficult to envisage the skill and control required to design, develop and execute with such accuracy and precision. Even more awe-inspiring — the fact that this was painted well more than 150 years ago using straight from the tube oil paints and only the most basic tools. The overall level of quality is superlative.